Is A border Collie The right breed for you?
While Border Collies are extremely intelligent and active dogs, they are also one of the most challenging to live with. Their superior intellect, combined with intensity and obsessive zeal for working, are the Border Collie’s most impressive features yet they and also the ones that make this breed unsuitable for most homes.
If you want a dog who...
Medium-sized and natural-looking
Has a handsome, easy-groom coat
Is very athletic and thrives on TONS of exercise and training
Is exceptionally intelligent and versatile – when well-trained, can learn and do almost anything
Will play fetch for hours and hours....
Border Collies need constant attention, and if they are not true working dogs, they need to be given challenging "chores" and "tasks" around the home to serve as outlets for their boundless energy. If no outlet is given, they will find one on their own (generally one not desirable). Being smart allows them to learn quickly, not only how to behave but also how to get into trouble.
It is not easy to "fool" a Border Collie into doing or not doing something. You must always be one step ahead of them, and sometimes it isn't so easy. Border Collie energy is also something you must think long and hard about. This sharp-eyed, quick-thinking, fanatical workaholic has been bred for endless miles of sprinting and stop-and-go action.
Some Border Collies are certainly calmer and less active than others, but the breed as a whole, is highly active. If you live in a small apartment or have no place to run the dog in wide-open spaces, you may run into trouble. If you want a couch potato that lies around the house most of the time, is rarely noticed and is generally unobtrusive, then a Border Collie is not for you. They demand (literally demand) lots of attention and lots of activity. If you do not have the time or energy to devote to the dog, then there are better choices. It will either be the best or worst decision for you and your dog.