
 Sometimes we need help with transporting a dog from a shelter to a foster home or adoptive home. The majority of our rescue dogs are from Indiana but oftentimes our dogs will come or go to/from another state.  We have a great group of transport drivers who “tag team” or relay a dog in from one location to another. Each leg is typically an hour to an hour and a half each way, so no one driver needs to drive very far in order to help. Transporting a rescue dog allows you get to spend a little time with a very deserving  dog plus you get to meet an amazing group of volunteers.

We are proud to say that we have transportation volunteers in 16 states! We invite you to fill out a Volunteer Form to get on our ever-growing transport map.

If you are a pilot reading this page, we invite you to join Pilots N Paws. Pilots N Paws® is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

The Pilots N Paws website is a meeting place for volunteers engaged in rescuing, sheltering and adopting animals, and volunteer pilots and plane owners willing to assist with animal transportation. The intent of Pilots N Paws is to provide an environment in which volunteers can come together and arrange or schedule rescue flights, overnight foster care or shelter, and all other related activities.  Clancy’s Dream is very grateful to the dedicated to these volunteer pilots.

Are you ready to transport one of our dogs?

Take a look at these forms to ensure clear and easy on-boarding