Clancy’s Dream brings help and hope to Border Collies in times of need. We provide rescue, medical, rehabilitation and adoption assistance for neglected, abused or abandoned Border Collies.

Foster Parent Application

Ready to make an impact? Fill out the foster application to get started.

Adoption Application

Ready to adopt? Fill out this form to take the first step toward welcoming a loving dog into your home.

Relinquish Application

By completing this form, you are beginning the process of relinquishing your dog to ensure they find a safe and loving new home.

About Clancy’s Dream

Clancy’s Dream is a 501 (c)3 Non-Profit Organization founded by Kenny and Elaine Shuck. All donations are tax-deductible and your contribution directly provides care for the Border Collies we rescue.

Love Without End

Love Without End is an aftercare program that was started with the question, "Where will my dog go if something happens to me."  

Clancy’s Dream Border Collie Rescue will find your Border Collie a wonderful and loving home, with a qualified and thoroughly evaluated and approved adoptive family.

Continue the Dream

Help us to continue Clancy’s Legacy and bring help & hope to Border Collies in need.  Your donations are important and aid the continuation of our rescue efforts. 100% of all money raised goes to the dogs! Thank you!